
Understanding a piece of code is harder if objects can change their state. Let's take a look at the following example.

enum class LightBulbState {
  ON {
    override fun lightUp(): String = "bright"
  OFF {
    override fun lightUp(): String = "dark"

  abstract fun lightUp(): String

class LightBulb(private var state: LightBulbState) {

  fun lightUp(): String {
    return state.lightUp()

  fun setState(newLightBulbState: LightBulbState) {
    state = newLightBulbState

class Room {
  private val lightBulb: LightBulb

  constructor(lightBulb: LightBulb) {
    this.lightBulb = lightBulb

class App {

  fun main() {
    val lightBulb = LightBulb(LightBulbState.ON)
    val room = Room(lightBulb)

    val result = "The room is ${lightBulb.lightUp()}"

Just looking at the main method of App, we would expect result to be The room is bright. However, because of the Room constructor, the actual content of result is The room is dark. To avoid this bad surprise, LightBulb can become immutable, meaning its state cannot be modified. Let's take a look how we can achieve this.

enum class LightBulbState {
    ON {
        override fun lightUp(): String = "bright"
    OFF {
        override fun lightUp(): String = "dark"

    abstract fun lightUp(): String

class LightBulb(private val state: LightBulbState) {

  fun lightUp(): String {
    return state.lightUp()

  fun setState(newLightBulbState: LightBulbState): LightBulb {
    return LightBulb(newLightBulbState)

class Room {
  private val lightBulb: LightBulb

  constructor(lightBulb: LightBulb) {
    this.lightBulb = lightBulb.setState(LightBulbState.OFF)

class App {

  fun main() {
    val lightBulb = LightBulb(LightBulbState.ON)
    val room = Room(lightBulb)

    val result = "The room is ${lightBulb.lightUp()}"


The above code differs from the original one for three aspects:

  • The setState method of LightBulb does not modify its state, instead it returns a brand-new instance of LightBulb
  • The constructor of Room stores the brand-new LightBulb returned by the invocation of setState, instead of the LightBulb passed as a constructor parameter
  • The LightBulb constructor uses val instead of var (in Kotlin a variable defined as val cannot be re-assigned)

Now the content of result in the main method of App is what we would expect from the beginning: The room is bright. Immutability makes it easier to reason about a piece of code and it is a game changer when concurrency comes into play. To obtain immutability we need to:

  • return a new instance of an object instead of modifying its state
  • prevent the re-assignment of variables

Unfortunately it can be tricky to write immutable code. Let's take a look at the following piece of example.

class Shelf(private val books: List<String>) {

  fun numberOfBooks(): Int {
    return books.size

class App {

  fun main() {
    val books = mutableListOf("The Secret Adversary", "The Big Four")
    val shelf = Shelf(books)

    books.add("Giant's Bread")

    val result = "The shelf contains ${shelf.numberOfBooks()} books"

The content of result in the main method of App will be The shelf contains 3 books. In fact, even if Shelf uses val and does not allow its state to change, the books list can still be modified by code outside Shelf. For Shelf to be immutable, it has to make a local copy of the books list received in the constructor as follows.

class Shelf {
  private val books: List<String>

  constructor(booksForShelf: List<String>) {
    books = booksForShelf.toList() // toList makes an exact copy

  fun numberOfBooks(): Int {
    return books.size

class App {

  fun main() {
    val books = mutableListOf("The Secret Adversary", "The Big Four")
    val shelf = Shelf(books)

    books.add("Giant's Bread")

    val result = "The shelf contains ${shelf.numberOfBooks()} books"

The content of result in the main method of App is now The shelf contains 2 books.

As a final note, reasoning about state is hard and that's why it is worth deepen the paradigm of functional programming which removes the concept of state as much as possible.

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