Wrap external libraries into custom classes

Information hiding also applies to external libraries. In fact, swapping a library for another can unexpectedly trigger many undesired changes across our codebase.

Let's take a look at the following code.

class MessageController(private val metrics: MetricExternalLibrary) {

    fun handleMessage(message: String) {

class UserController(private val metrics: MetricExternalLibrary) {

    fun handleLogin(username: String) {

In the above code, MetricExternalLibrary is an external library that we use for monitoring purposes. The method incrementMetric takes in input the name of the metric to be incremented by one. Let's assume we want to replace MetricExternalLibrary with another library called FasterMetricExternalLibrary because it has better performance. If that's the case, we would be forced to replace all the occurrences of MetricExternalLibrary, which in the above example are just two, but in a real life codebase can be many.

To prevent this we can wrap MetricExternalLibrary in a custom class so that it does not spread across the codebase.

class MessageController(private val metrics: Metrics) {

    fun handleMessage(message: String) {

class UserController(private val metrics: Metrics) {

    fun handleLogin(username: String) {

class Metrics(private val metricExternalLibrary: MetricExternalLibrary) {
    fun incrementMetric(metricName: String) {

Now our class Metrics will be the only place in the codebase that knows about MetricExternalLibrary. Whenever we need to replace MetricExternalLibrary in favour of FasterMetricExternalLibrary, only Metrics will be affected. This ensures our codebase remains stable despite any library change we might have in the future.

As a final note, wrapping external libraries into custom classes will also simplify testing as explained in the do not test external libraries chapter.

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